December 2019 Announcement For Exporters
Adjustments to China Customs Advanced Manifest (CCAM) Regulation
Inbound Cargo To/Via Chinese Mainland
China Customs has released Order No. 144 [2019] to adjust advanced manifest rule with the aim to simplify manifest data requirements, improve data accuracy, progress China’s national customs integration reform, pragmatically strengthen management of inbound and outbound cargo, and effectively implement safety entry and risk prevention mechanisms.
The adjusted rule will be effective as of 15th November 2019.
The adjustments include following main points:
1. Enforce advanced submission of manifest 24 hours prior to loading. Complete and accurate cargo information as carried in the manifest must be submitted to China Customs electronically 24 hours prior to loading onto vessels that sail to Chinese Mainland ports.
2. The manifest must reflect accurately and completely all goods under bills of lading.
We are pleased to share following data items will be removed from manifest and you need not provide any longer from 15th November 2019:
Consignor’s company code
Consignee’s company code
Name of contact person for Consignee
Phone number of contact person for consignee
Notify Party’s company code
Click this link to see more details about Order No. 144 [2019] published on the official website of China Customs (in Chinese).
In order to comply with the new regulatory requirements from China Customs and to ensure timely transportation of your cargo, Maersk will begin submitting advanced manifest for inbound cargo to/via Chinese Mainland on 15th November 2019 and thereafter.
Therefore, Maersk must receive the required manifest data via your Shipping Instruction (SI) before the SI cut-off deadline.
Specific SI cut-off deadline can be fetched on Maersk website of your country or via Maersk representative locally.
Complete and accurate information on SI are fundamental to comply with these new regulatory requirements, and shippers or parties to provide SI are liable to provide the data.