THE New South Wales government has announced the fast-tracking of the Port Botany Rail Line Duplication and Cabramatta Passing Loop.
Both projects are expected to enhance the efficiency and long-term resilience of supply chains in NSW and help alleviate congestion on Sydney roads.
The Australian Logistics Council issued a statement welcoming the decision.
“ALC has been a longstanding advocate for duplication of the freight rail line at Port Botany, which will support continued growth in domestic and international freight at this key trading gateway,” said chief executive Kirk Coningham.
“Around 18% of TEUs are currently moved to and from Port Botany each year via rail, and NSW Ports is committed to a long-term strategy to move 3 million TEU by rail, which will help to take pressure off the road network and deliver enhanced environmental outcomes for the community,” he said.
“Duplicating the remaining 2.9km single track section of the Botany Line between Mascot and Botany and constructing a new passing loop on the Southern Sydney Freight Line at Cabramatta will inject greater efficiency and capacity into the freight network and help to meet NSW’s growing freight demands.”
Mr Coningham said the delivery of these projects by the Australian Rail Track Corporation would encourage freight owners to transport more containers by rail and will build on significant investments by NSW Ports.
“Rail will play a vital part in meeting continued growth in NSW’s freight task, thanks to an expanding network of intermodal facilities, including the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal and the Enfield Intermodal Logistics Centre,” he said.
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